本网站旨在向公众及科研人员提供开放性的渠道,用以查询、调取人体不同部位皮肤的转录组学信息。我们将人体皮肤分为头颈部、躯干四肢部、掌跖部、会阴部4个大区。 网站数据基于对来自近159个人体正常皮肤全层组织的Bulk-RNA测序结果。
本网站为人体皮肤Bulk-RNA表达图谱,此后将陆续更新scRNA测序及表观遗传学图谱。Skin RNA Viewer provides the public and researchers with open access to query and retrieve transcriptomic data of different parts of human skin. Data on this website is based on Bulk-RNA sequencing results from 159 human full-thickness normal skin. The home page shows the Gene Ontology function enrichment analysis. We have divided human skin into four major regions: head and neck, trunk and extremities, palms and soles, and perineum. Skin RNA Viewer presents the average expression level of input genes in four regions. Separate gene expression levels and sample quantity in two genders are shown as well. In particular, the plantar region presents gene expression level change based on age grouping. This website is constructed based on the Bulk-RNA expression profile of human skin. Open databases of scRNA sequencing and epigenetic profiles will be updated thereafter.
Please cite our paper if this website is used in your research.
Yicen Yan, Jie Tian, Yang Wang, Yurong Li, Chong Zhang, Shenxi Zhang, Pingping Lin, Rui Peng, Chunxia Zhao, Le Zhuang, Binbin Lai †, Liang Zhou †, Guohong Zhang †, Hang Li †. (†: joint corresponding authors) Transcriptomic heterogeneity of skin across different anatomic sites. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jid.2022.08.053Bibtex:
author = {Yan, Yicen and Tian, Jie and Wang, Yang and Li, Yurong and Zhang, Chong and Zhang, Shenxi
and Lin, Pingping and Zhao, Chunxia and Zhuang, Le and Lai, Binbin and
Zhou, Liang and Zhang, Guohong and Li, Hang},
title = {Transcriptomic heterogeneity of skin across different anatomic sites},
journal = {Journal of Investigative Dermatology},
doi = {10.1016/j.jid.2022.08.053},}